Wednesday, 5 December 2012

TR Down Under

   My third week of studying Fashion Design continued on the method of Transformational Reconstruction (TR). Here, I learnt how to get a skirt I've created from the mannequin, onto pattern paper. This was a useful technique to acquire as often, designers find it easier to drape and experiment with fabric before making a pattern for the garment; this way unusual shapes and lines are achieved effortlessly and are unrestricted. The technique transforms a basic skirt black into an interesting skirt with intersecting style lines. These lines are achieved by applying a basic skirt pattern to a mannequin and adding style lines that go through important points such as hip point in order to achieve a flat pattern when later separated from the block.  This technique is invaluable as it will allow me to transform a plain and simple skirt block into something original and intriguing.

Basic Skirt Pattern

TR Skirt Pattern

Example of TR Skirt

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